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Q: What cases will a cold compress cause injury to a patient?
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Cold applications may cause injury to a patient if the patient has?

cold applications may cause injury to a patient if the patient has dependent swelling, a fever, large bruises or poor circulation?

What is the prognosis for a patient with nephrotoxic injury?

The outcome of nephrotoxic injury is determined by the cause and severity of the damage. In cases where damage has not progressed beyond acute renal failure, kidney function can be fully restored once the toxin is removed from.

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In most cases, the fact that the patient has recently eaten wild mushrooms is the clue to the cause of symptoms.

What happens when a land mine explodes?

Explosives detonate, creating a rapidly expanding shock wave. In some cases, the shock wave alone causes injury or death. In other cases, the shock wave drives projectiles that cause injury.

Impact of brain injury in canada?

Brain injury is prevalent in Canada with thousands of Canadians sustaining brain injury annually. Medical costs for a patient with traumatic brain injury (TBI) exceed 400, 000 USD. TBI is a leading cause of disability and memory loss.

What digestive disorders may cause indigestion?

In some cases, the patient's description of the symptoms suggests a specific digestive disorder as the cause of the indigestion. Some doctors classify these cases into three groups: ESOPHAGITIS TYPE. Esophagitis is an inflammation of the tube.

What is the most common cause of a wrist injury?

The most common cause of wrist injury would be a wrist sprain this can come from being over worked or from injury. Carpal Tunnel is another cause of wrist injury.

Why do you lay a patient with a chest injury on their injured side?

The chest injury may cause blood, fluid and contaminants to pool inside the chest, and placing the injured side lower will minimize accumulation against the damaged lung, the heart and the major arteries.

How do you cure black eye cause by punching?

Cold compress(ice)

What is a purpose of a piston?

It is used to compress the oxygen and fuel and cause it to to combust

What could be a cause of ergonomic injury?

One cause of an ergonomic injury could be typing at a keyboard with improper posture or positioning. The improper technique could cause carpal-tunnel, the ergonomic injury.

What are some causes of severe traumatic brain injury?

Severe traumatic brain injury can be caused by several factors. The most common cause of severe traumatic brain injury involves automobile accidents. Falling on the head can also result in severe traumatic brain injury. Other cases include firearms or other weapons penetrating the skull.