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Q: What catholic monarchs supported columbus' voyage?
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Who supported and outfitted Columbus for the voyage to the new world?

Queen Isabella

Portugal denied which explorer's request to sail to the New World?

They denied Christopher Columbus' request to said to the New World.

When did Christopher Columbus make his report on his voyage to the Spanish monarchy?

In April of 1493, Columbus went to the Alcazar. This was the royal palace of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. He made a report of his voyage and presented the monarchs with treasures from his expedition.

What king and queen supported Christopher Columbus's voyage to America?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabeth

What monarchs gave Christopher Columbus the ships for his voyage?

Isabella, the Queen of Spain who pawned her crown jewels to pay for the voyage.She convinced her husband, King Ferdinand, to take the chance on Columbus.

When was Columbus's first voyage to Spain?

Columbus first voyage

Which two Spanish monarchs did Columbus approach to gain support for his voyage?

The request by Columbust was rejected by King John II of Portugal. Columbus asked for support from Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, who approved of his idea.

What is the ISBN of The Last Voyage of Columbus?

The ISBN of The Last Voyage of Columbus is 0759513767.

Where did Columbus think was at the end of his voyage?

Columbus Believed he was in India at the end of his first voyage.

How many pages does The Last Voyage of Columbus have?

The Last Voyage of Columbus has 304 pages.

who sent Christoper Columbus on his voyage?

Spain sent Christopher Columbus to his first voyage. :-)

Who financed Christopher Columbus's voyage to the New World?

Answer Columbus moved to Portugal to try to get money to support his journey. He eventually got support from Ferdinand and Isabella, the king and queen of Spain. They gave him money, three ships, and 90 people to help him on his trip. In 1492 Columbus left from Palos, Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.he also had to pee