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St. Jessica

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Q: What catholic saint would the name Jessica be after?
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What catholic saint would the name Jessica be?

St. Jessica.

Where did Saint Jessica live?

There is no documented saint named Jessica in Christian tradition. "Jessica" is a name of Hebrew origin that gained popularity in modern times.

Is Saint Zoe a Catholic saint?

There is no official Catholic saint by the name of Saint Zoe. Saint Zoe is a common name for girls in Greek Orthodox tradition, but not in the Catholic tradition.

Is there a Saint Jessica?

There are no canonized saint by the name of Jessica. However, I am told that the name may be derived from the name Joan, (Jean) and Joanna. There is a Saint Jean (Joan) de Arc.

What is the meaning of Saint Jessica?

There are no canonized saint by the name of Jessica. However, I am told that the name may be derived from the name Joan, (Jean) and Joanna. There is a Saint Jean (Joan) de Arc as well as several others.

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I can find no reference to any saint named Ruby.

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No, Deena is not a Catholic saint's name. It is a modern and popular name with various cultural origins.

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Is there a Catholic saint named Rae?

There is no recognized Catholic saint named Rae. The name Rae is of Scottish origin and is typically used as a given name or surname, but it does not correspond to any officially canonized Catholic saint.