

What cause economies to go into recession?

Updated: 6/9/2022
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9y ago

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Economies go into a recession after a decline in the Gross Domestic Product growth rate following a period of irrational exuberance. This exuberance can often be felt in housing or high technology areas.

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Mireille Rempel

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Q: What cause economies to go into recession?
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What is relationship between inflation and recession?

The relationship between inflation and recession is that a recession will cause inflation to go down. The reason for this is due to their being less money being spent due to the recession.

Has the recession ever happened before?

Yeah, the recession of 1930's is very famous as it had disturbed the economies of all the European countries as well as American economy and it took them a great time to recover their economies.

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It was a cause of the depression, and probable the recession but I'm not sure

A rise in business activity after a recession or depression?

An increase in business activity after a recession is an economic turnaround. An introduction of technology helps economies grown and come out of depression.

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Because national economies around the world are interdependent, a recession in one can cause a chain reaction of recessions or contractions in the rest of the world's national economies. This is why the Great Recession in the United States (2008-2010) led to the Euro Crisis (2010-2012, probably further). The converse is also true - a recovery in one economy can bolster and support national economies around the world; this is also happening as the United States and China got their feet back underneath them, the economies of Australia and several European countries also stabilized.

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no it can't but it isn't very healthy for gums but it won't cause recession

Did Jimmy Carter cause the recession?

no. he inherited the Ford Recession and tried very hard to fix it but the numbers would not go down (inflation and unemployment) so the people didn't re-elect him.

What makes a country to be headed into recession?

Bad economic and fiscal policies may cause a recession.

What cause current recession?

The current recession was caused by a failure of children to properly make their beds in the mornings.

What happens to unemployment rate after a recession?

After a recession, the unemployment rate will go down.

Will the recession be extreme in 2009?

No. The recession is expected to stabilize during 2009 and is expected to end by the end of 2009. The steps taken by the governments world over would start showing effect and the economies will recover. note: This is only my opinion.

Will the US go into recession?

It has.