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A process called scattering. When the sun is low in the sky, the light has passed through so much atmosphere that nearly all of the blue wavelengths of visible light, orange and red- the dominant colors of light we see at sunride and sunset.

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Q: What cause the reddish tint of the sun in the late afternoon?
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Black reddish is not a standard color term. It could refer to a dark shade of red or a reddish tint on a black surface, but without more context it is not a recognized color descriptor.

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The planet was named after the Roman God of War (possibly because of the reddish tint?)

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His hair had a reddish tint. So, you could call him a strawberry blond.

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Yes. I'd say it also has a reddish tint.

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Mars is sometimes called "the red planet", as it has a reddish tint when observed through a telescope

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Claire Danes had brown hair with a reddish tint in "My So Called Life."

Why does brown hair turn red?

Brown hair does not "turn red." It can appear to have a reddish tint in some light. It may have a natural reddish tint that becomes emphasized by the sun lightening it. Keep in mind that there are only three human hair colors: blond, black, and red, and red is the result of a mutation. True red hair is actually quite rare. Every other hair tint is a result of a combination of hair color genes, OR artificial hair coloring.