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The weather,starvation extreme cold,and his insanity and belief he had to control..and could control. he was a horrible human..if that's what one copuld call him..

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Logistics - supplies over distance, terrain, weather and time

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Q: What caused Hitler's invasion of the soviet union to fail in 1914?
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What cause hitlers delay invasion to his invasion of the soviet union?

The invasion of the Soviet Union was delayed because of issues in the Balkans. The failure of Mussolinis invasion of Greece exposed Hitlers flank to British air bases. Also there was a perceived problem with gasoline to fuel the German armored divisions.

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He wasn't prepared for the harsh Soviet Winters.

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The German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 succeeded in part because they attacked with no warning. The Soviet Union didn't have time to react to the German army's invasion.

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June 25,1950- July 27,1953 and the Soviet invasion of Korea started it. After the Soviet Union went in, the US went in to stop it from being a total Soviet state. Hope this helped!:)

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The invasion of the Soviet Union had to specifically start in June, at the beginning of summer, as the extreme Soviet winters would have made an invasion impossible.

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What was the German codename for their invasion of the Soviet Union?

Operation Barbarossa