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The King's unfair treatment and abuses of the colonist.

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Q: What events caused the most unrest in the colonies before the Revolutionary War?
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What type of government controlled US before the war?

I don't know what war you mean, but the US has always been a Representative Republic. Before the events surrounding the Revolutionary War, the American colonies were a part of the British monarchy.

What eventually happens to the colonies?

In the Revolutionary Period of America's history, the fundamental outcome of the revolutionary debates and events and military conflict was the creation of a new nation, the United States of America. What "eventually happened" to the thirteen colonies, then, was that they became the first thirteen states of the American Union.

What two events happened in Boston before American Revolutionary war started?

The two events that happened in Boston before the American Revolutionary War started were the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party.

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sir Henry Clinton was a commander of british forces and helped with events that caused the revolutionary war.

What were the major events that led to the revolutionary war?

high taxes by England (tea) England not allowing the colonies any representation and ... you tell me?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was imposed on the Colonies to?

Tax them even further. This would be one of the events that led to the Boston Tea Party and later the Revolutionary War.

What eventually happened to the original thirteen colonies?

In the Revolutionary Period of America's history, the fundamental outcome of the revolutionary debates and events and military conflict was the creation of a new nation, the United States of America. What "eventually happened" to the thirteen colonies, then, was that they became the first thirteen states of the American Union.

What were the events of the USS Maine before and after?

the events before and after were tense and after the explosion of the USS Maine was explosive and sop that caused the USS to go to war against Spain.

What events in the Revolutionary War happened after the Intolerable Acts?

no events happened

What are 2 events that took place in American history after the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776?

The first governmental framework for the colonies were the Articles of Confederation, ratified March 1, 1781, after the majority of the Revolutionary War conflicts had ended. The Treaty of Paris (1783) officially ended the Revolutionary War and established the unchallenged independence of the thirteen former colonies as the United States of America.

How was the French and Indian War related to Revolutionary War?

They were related because both wars had the British in them, though the french and Indian war happened before the revolutionary war. the french and Indian war was fought to keep the British colonies British the french was trying to take over all the English colonies the revolutionary was fought to keep all the colonies British by the British what goes around comes around

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Circular causality refers to a series of events where each one is caused by the one before it, and the first one is caused by the last.