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The king gave large estates to his friends and relatives. These estates known as the fief included houses, barns, tools, animals, and serfs or peasants. The king also promised to protect the vassal on the field or in the courts. In return the nobles who were granted the fiefs swore an oath of loyalty to the king. The nobles promised never to fight against the king. They also had to give the king whatever he asked for. The king may ask for men to fight a war, money, or advice. The nobles also gave the king a place to stay when he traveled.

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Q: What caused the rise of the feudal system in Japan?
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What contributed to the rise of the feudal system in Europe?

weakness of the central government

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lack of effective central goverment

The high population density in Japan has?

caused a rise in "housing prices" .

Was there social mobility in the feudal system?

Social mobility in the feudal system was limited. Typically, individuals were born into a particular social class and had little opportunity to move between classes. However, in some cases, exceptional individuals could rise in status through military prowess or service to a lord.

What caused the rise of the feudal system in japan in your answer explain what a feudal system is?

The king gave large estates to his friends and relatives. These estates known as the fief included houses, barns, tools, animals, and serfs or peasants. The king also promised to protect the vassal on the field or in the courts. In return the nobles who were granted the fiefs swore an oath of loyalty to the king. The nobles promised never to fight against the king. They also had to give the king whatever he asked for. The king may ask for men to fight a war, money, or advice. The nobles also gave the king a place to stay when he traveled.

What caused a rise in tension between European nations?

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What affect did the rise of cities have on feudal in Italy?

pies were made less frequently

What affects did the rise of the cities have on feudal life in Italy?

pies were made less frequently

How did the crusaders effect feudalism?

it caused many virgins

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the growing importance of cavalry in royal armies

What were the unforeseen consequences of the the black death epidemic in europe?

The craftspeople that were left found their skills in high demand. Also the collapse of the Feudal system and the rise of the Renaissance.