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Q: What caused the tree trunks to change from light to dark?
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What historical event caused the tree trunks of many trees in England to turn from light green to dark?

The industrial revolution

What event caused the tree trunks of many trees in England to from light to dark?

Burning of coal during the industrial revolution and later deposited soot on the trees.

What caused England biston betularia moth populations to change over time from light colored to dark colored?

Changes in allele frequencies Novanet

What caused englands biston betularia moth population to change over time from light colored to dark colored?

Changes in allele frequencies Novanet

What caused englands biston betularia moth populations to change over time from light colored to dark colored?

Changes in allele frequencies Novanet

What caused England's biston betularia moths populations to change over time from light colored to dark colored?

Changes in allele frequencies Novanet

What caused tree trunks of many trees in England to turn from a light color to a dark color?

The industrial revolution in England (the black smoke form all the factory chimneys) produced allot of environmental pollution and the trees in the worst affected areas were covered in soot. Now thankfully this pollution has ceased and the tree trunks are no longer black...I understand that the areas of black peppered moth variants are now reverting to the light colored variety.;)

What is the gradual change for dark to light values?

grey scale

Why does temperature change because of color?

because dark colours absorb light and light colours reflect light

Why is a shadow so dark?

The object causing the shadow is blocking the light, thus a shadow caused.

How did the light bulb change the world?

It made the dark less frightening.

What caused englands Biston betularia moth populations to change overtime from light colored to dark colored?

Industrial pollution making the tree bark on which the moths hide to become dark and the pressures of evolutionary natural selection.