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Hard bowel movements can sometimes be cured by eating a high fiber meal . Breakfast is usually the easiest with bran flakes etc. Sometimes medications can block you up I know mine for the white mucus in your stool; first are you sure its mucus?If you are not a back door receiver then it could be an infection. Check with your doctor. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids , most people don't drink enough water and this can cause constipation.

mucus can be a sign of problems with the bowel diverticular disease or some similar disorder.

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Q: What causes Hard time bowel movements and white mucus in stool?
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What causes Clear mucus in stool?

Some mucus in the stool is normal. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis can cause more mucus in the stool.

What causes clear foamy bowel movements with lots of gas?

Bowel movements should not be clear. However, there may be mucous i the stool. This could be clear or white and foamy. If the mucous is the only symptom, it is likely nothing to worry about.

Why would there be mucus in a child?

If you are worried take the child to a doctor with a sample of the stool. Everyone has mucus in their stool to some extent. The bowel is lined with mucous membrane which helps the passage of the stool. Sometimes it becomes excessive if there is an inflammation, or the bowel is irritated (for example by spicy food). If the child is healthy and apart from this the stools are normal and the mucus is not bloodstained, forget about it.

What is Hirschbaum's disease?

Hirschbaum's Disease is a painful intestinal disease. It causes constipation and makes bowel movements hard because the stool moves slowly through the intestines.

What causes mucus in the stool that smells like rotting flesh?

Must have a amebiasis bacteria

What is the reason for stool?

The reason that we have bowel movements or stool passing is that our bodies do not process all the food that we eat. Some things have no benefit to our body so we have to get rid of it somehow.

What are some of the symptoms of IBS?

The most commons symptoms of IBS are bowel movements that occur more or less often than usual, stool that appears more solid and less watery, and bowel movements that increase discomfort

Do gays do stool many times a day?

Bowel movements have nothing to do with sexual orientation. They have to do with diet and other health factors.

When you have a bowel movement what is a large fat white thing in your stool?

When we have bowel movements these are wastes from foods we eat and other wastes from our body. Some foods can produce this. Some people can eat peas or corn and if their digestive tract is not working well the peas and corn will show up in that stool. It also could simply be mucus. One should always check their stool for streaks of dried blood (brown/red) to fresh blood which is red. If this occurs please see your doctor.

Blood mucus in stool?

Disorder and diseases that cause blood and mucus in stool: Acute Alcohol Consumption (excessive drinking can cause bloody mucus in the stool) Andrade's Syndrome Bowel Obstructions Celiac Disease Chronic Diarrhea, Idiopathic (can cause bloody mucus in the stool) Colon Cancer Acute Constipation, Dyschazia (can cause bloody mucus on the stool) Crohn's Disease Drug Side effects (can cause bloody mucus in the stool) Carnitine Transporter Deficiencye Cystic Fibrosis Dysentery Anus Fissures E.coli (causes bloody mucus in the stool) Gastroenteritis (Influenza) (can cause blood and mucus in stools) Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis Internal Hemorrhoids (can cause bloody mucus in the stool, too) Intestinal Bacterial Infection Irritable Bowel Syndrome Liver Disease Pancreatitis Blind-loop Syndrome Pancreatic Disorder Pancreatitis Syndrome Pelvic Abscess Pelvic Lipomastosis Proctitis Juvenile Rectal Cancer Rectal Prolapse Shigellosis Ulcerative Colitis

Is it normal to have pale mucus bowel movement after an ear infection?

If you have taken antibiotics for the ear infection, the consistency of your bowel movement may change. One effect of taking oral antibiotics is that they kill off bacteria throughout the body--both harmful and helpful--including those in the intestines. This often causes diarrhea or watery stool.

What are some common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

The most common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are gas, a bloated feeling, abdominal pain or cramping, mucus in the stool, diarrhea and constipation (sometimes alternating between the two).