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These "stripes" formed the pattern known as magnetic striping. ... They hypothesized that the magnetic striping was produced from the generation of magma at mid-ocean ridges during alternating periods of normal and reversed magnetism by the magnetic reversals of the Earth's magnetic field.

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Juliet Olson

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2y ago
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Yessenia Bashirian

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2y ago

movement of ocean crust.

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9y ago

The seafloor spreads apart, creating new rocks that record magnetic orientation. New oceanic crust is being created at the mid-ocean rift zones, a global divergent plate boundary system where uprising magma fills in the spaces being created by the pulling apart of plates. Part of the newly forming crust follows the direction of one plate, and part of the newly forming crust follows the direction of the other plate; therefore, the age of the rock created from the magma has a mirror image on either side of the rift.

As new oceanic crust is continuously being formed at the mid-ocean ridges by upwelling molten rock, the direction of Earth's magnetic field is recorded in the rock by the orientation of magnetic minerals, which align themselves in the direction of the magnetic field before the rock completely crystallizes.
Earth's magnetic field is known to change its orientation with frequency on a geologic time scale, thus a pattern of stripes of magnetic orientation is formed which can be detected with a magnetometer.

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10y ago

the flipping of the magnetic poles

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Q: What causes Magnetic stripes on the seafloor are caused by?
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What do earths magnetic stripes indicate about ocean crust?

reversed itself in the pastThe alternating magnetic orientation is caused by polar shifts or reversal, (not end of the world kinda stuff). When the rock is new and molten the grains are free to align themselves with the prevailing magnetic field, as the rock cools, the grains are frozen in time. As the sea floor expands outward (in the Atlantic), it is regularly striped with rock oriented in different directions. This indicates that the magnetic poles have reversed many times throughout the Earth's history.

How would the history of magnetic reversals show it self on the ocean floor?

* " . . . if new sea floor acquired the present magnetic field, spreading from a central ridge would produce magnetic stripes parallel to the ridge" ~ see related link below for additional information . * Excerpt from Wikipedia

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