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Well, at the end of the process there is a disciplinary hearing where both sides are presented, and that disciplinary hearing determines whether the member remains a member or not. A lot is involved in the decision, and it is to be made with great care, with the best interest of the member in mind. Even if the member is excommunicated, that person can eventually be re-baptized if they repent and come back. Also, a lot goes on before a disciplinary hearing, and a member can get a lot of help just by going to the Bishop with anything serious. Depending on the issue, it might not even go to a disciplianry hearing. Most issues can be resolved just between you and the bishop.

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6y ago

When you speak of excommunication. Such as For Adultry.This seems to be Incorrect from what Jesus Taught. Because Jesus taught Adultry is If one was to even Look upon the opposite sex with Lust ,This is Adultry. If one is the Divorce and Marry another That Person Comitts Adultry. Therefore (IF ) and It's a VERY BIG IF,, The Church or ANY Church for that Matter wished to ( Play by The TRUE RUKES) Pretty much All Or BETCHA 99 . 9 % of ALL in The Church would be EXCOMMUNICATED !! .. And What Ever happened to Christ Drawing a Line in the Sand ! And Teachning. You who Hath NOT no Sin TRHOW THE 1st Stone ! .?? .. . See. I Do Not Agree with Such teachings as The Mormons Teach , Nor do I agree with adding a Man Who Claimed to see an Angel of Light.. For it is Written Even Satan Comes as an angel of Light , In order to FOOL !!! ... This is Very serious... I will Continue to Pray, for ALL .. And for PEACE .. GID IS GOOD. AND I PRAY HE SENDS HIS SON Jesus Christ SOON... TO GOVERN FOR ETERNITY! And STOP THE MADNESS ! ..GOD BLESS YOU ...MAY GOD GIVE YOU THE SECRET DESIRES OF YOUR HEART SISTER..

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10y ago

According to the official Handbook of Instructions for leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church):

"Excommunication is the most severe Church disciplinary action. As directed by the Spirit, it may be necessary for:

-Members who have committed serious transgressions, especially violations of temple covenants. (includes "endowed persons who commit adultery or fornication.")

-Members who have been disfellowshipped and have not repented and for whom excommunication seems to offer the best hope for reformation.

-Members whose conduct makes them a serious threat to others and whose Church membership facilitates their access to victims.

-Church leaders or prominent members whose transgressions significantly impair the good name or moral influence of the Church in the community that is aware of the transgression.

-Excommuniciation is mandatory for murder and is almost always required for incest. (Murder "Does not include police or military action in the line of duty. Abortion is not defined as murder for this purpose." Incest "refers to sexual relations between a parent or grandparent and a natural, adopted, or foster child or stepchild... also refers to sexual relations between brothers and sisters.")"

Serious transgressions which may be grounds for excommunication (depending on the individual circumstances) include child abuse, apostasy ("apostasy refers to members who 1. Repeatedly act in clear, open, and deliberate public opposition to the Church or it's leaders. 2. Persist in teaching as Church doctrine information that is not Church doctrine after they have been corrected by their Bishop or a higher authority. 3. Continue to follow the teachings of apostate sects after being corrected by their bishop or a higher authority. 4. Formally join another church"), a serious offense while holding a prominent church position (attempted murder, rape, sexual abuse, spousal abouse, intentional physical injury of others, adultry, fornication, homosexual relations, abandonment of family responsibilities, robbery, burglary, theft, embezzlement, sale of illegal drugs, fraud, perjury, or false swearing) or a pattern of such serious transgressions. For most members, committing one of these 'serious transgressions' will result in a probation or temporary disfellowshipment, not excommunication.

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7y ago

Excommunication is quite rare within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church), and is the most serious form of formal discipline the church can issue. Excommunication may only take place if:-An individual is legally found guilty of murder, attempted murder, rape, incest, forcible sexual abuse, intentionally inflicting serious physical injuries on others, robbery, burglary, embezzlement, theft, sale of illegal drugs, fraud, or perjury.

-An individual is accused by a spouse of deliberate abandonment of family responsibilities (abandonment, refusing alimony/child support, etc. not petty things like household responsibilities) child or spousal abuse (sexual or physical), or adultery, and there is evidence or probable cause that the accusation is true.

-An individual engages plural marriage (polygamy), whether legally or illegally.

-An individual has apostatized and become openly antagonistic against the Church

Excommunication may take place if an individual confesses fornication, homosexual sex, abortion, or having a transsexual operation, however this is on a case by case basis. Those in leadership positions would probably be excommunicated in these situations, but it is unlikely for those outside of leadership to be treated so harshly.

Excommunication and less serious church disciplinary actions (disfellowshipment and probation), are meant to be temporary. While excommunicated members are no longer members of the Church, they are encouraged to continue attending worship services and meet with the Bishop regularly to track their progress. Excommunicated members may be re-baptized and regain full fellowship in the Church if they choose to do so.

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Nowhere. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) has outlawed the practice of polygamy amongst it's members since 1890 - even in nations where polygamy is legal. Any Mormon man found to have two wives (no matter where he lives) is excommunicated from the church.

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No. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) banned the practice of polygamy over 120 years ago, in 1890. Anyone found practicing polygamy since that time has been excommunicated from the Church. There were some who disagreed with this ban and left the Mormon church to form their own groups. Many of these groups still exist today and are sometimes referred to as "Mormon Fundamentalists." These groups are not affiliated with the regular Mormon Church and believe that the Mormon Church has left God's way. Check out the "Related Links" below to see how other Mormons answered this question.

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Polygamy was officially banned within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) in October 1890. Anyone found entering into a polygamous marriage since that time has been excommunicated from the church.

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To be excommunicated is to be?

forced out the church A+