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Q: What causes a baby to be still born?
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What causes a still born baby?

still born baby's are associated with baby's having a birth defect or a disease at birth. Some still births are cause due to problem with the placenta which nourishes the baby, or if the mother have diabetes, high blood pressure, particularly pregnancy induce high blood pressure.

What causes thrush in newborns?

If the mother has chlamydia when the baby was born.

Are kits born still?

No, kits, baby foxes, are born very much alive. To be born still, or still born, means they are born dead.

What is a still-born baby?

A stillborn baby is a baby who is born dead

When can a baby feel?

a baby can feel as soon as its born remember that they are still like you and me

After the baby is born with the cord still attached is the baby breathing on its own?


What happens when a baby who was just born turns purple and doesn't cry?

It means the baby was still born or can breath

Is it a way to save a baby born at eighteen weeks to survive?

At this time a baby born at 18 weeks is still to premature to survive.

Who is blue baby?

Blue baby is an infant born with cyanosis as a result of a congenital cardiac or pulmonary defect that causes inadequate oxygenation of the blood.

How do baby tigers get born?

By clawing its way out of its mother's mouth. This usually causes the mother to die.

What are the causes of pregnancy delay in women?

the baby has to devolep in the womans stomach and has to be healthy before it can be born

If a female has a baby with a non-citizen the baby is born in the us will the child be able to get benefits?

the baby is concederd an American citizen too because it is born in the u.s and it does not matter if the father is not a citizen the baby can still get benefits!