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Q: What causes a bowel movement when a person is dying?
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Acolonoscopy is a test for cancer of the bowel, so I think you mean could a person die of bowel or colon cancer, and the answer would be yes, if caught too late, but with the results of today's medicine the chances are also very good or surviving this particular kind of cancer

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The Filipino is worth dying for?

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Is Filipino worth dying for?

YES. Actually, every person is worth dying for.

Why do you have a bowel movement?

I assure you that I did not poop myself when coughing this time. The reason you may have pooped yourself when coughing is because when we cough, we're exerting force not only on our diaphragm but on our abdominal muscles as well. This is turn exerts pressure on the internal sphincter and can cause bowel movements when we have diarrhea.