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When your hand takes a big blow of force pressure causes to burst

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It could happen if you eat too many hamburgers,steak,etc.

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Q: What causes a burst blood vessel in palm of hand?
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What to do when you pop a blood vessel in your wrist?

Put pressure on it and elevate the extremity. It is common for a blood vessel in the leg to burst if you have varicosity. This may cause lots of bleeding and it may be scary, but apply direct pressure for 15 minutes. Do not, I repeat do not use a tourniquet. If you are taking blood thinners, and this occurs, seek medical attention. Answer There are other things that should be mentioned. With any type of bleeding like this NEVER remove the dressings that have been blood soaked, keep on those dressings if it is a severe wound, and keep adding layers and pressure to that spot, and then transport to hospital if the bleeding is not too severe, or if it is within a few minutes from the hospital, or call 911 if the bleeding is severe.

What would tell you about the blood vessel that is cut on your hand?

When blood is actually gushing out your hand or underskin bruising. If so, you might want to go to the hospital.

What should you do you burst a vein in your hand now can taste blood in your mouth?

Defently go straight to the hospital !

What causes a vein to burst in finger?

There are many factors that can cause this. Mostly hardened blood vessels or thin walled blood vessels, usually paired with high blood pressure, sometimes a persons blood vessels can be thin enough where as much as a flick can cause them to rupture.

A preferred site for inserting an intravenous medication line into a blood vessel is?

dorsal venous arch of hand

What skin layers are affected when a cut on your hand bleeds?

the epidermis and dermis. the blood vessel are found in the dermis layer

Why does your hand hurt where the blood vessel is when you move it up and down?

When you lower your hand to below shoulder level, there are valves in the veins which tighten up, to prevent blood from flowing backwards. They, or one of them, might be hurting.

What do vessels hold?

That depends on the kind of vessel you are talking about. Blood vessels, for instance, carry blood. Sailing vessels, on the other hand, carry crew, passengers, and cargo.

What causes your hand to fall asleep?

Well your hand falls asleep because the cut off of blood circulation in the blood vein. So like if you have you arm on a corner for a certain amount of time it causes your are to fall asleep.

Did pat jennings burst a ball with his hand?

No he didn't atually burst it, but it burst as a Spurs player took a shot at him in the 1980's & he caught it!

What is the difference between a Gastric Bypass Surgery and Heart Bypass Surgery?

The Gastric Bypass Surgery is a procedure that reduces the size of your stomach, to help weight loss. On the other hand, a Heart Bypass Surgery is a procedure that replaces a block blood vessel in you heart with another blood vessel.

What is plasmoptysis?

Plasmolysis is the contraction of the protoplast of a plant cell due to water loss. Plasmoptysis on the other hand, is the rupture of the cell wall which causes the protoplasm to burst.