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Q: What causes a gas grill to explode?
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Is charcoal a safe product to use on a gas or barbecue grill or will it explode when the grill is lit?

Charcoal is not safe to use on a gas grill. The grill was not designed for the heat and contact with the charcoal. It isn't likely to explode, but it may very well fall apart and cause problems.

Is bondo a safe product to use on a gas or charcoal grill or will it explode when the grill is lit?

Bondo will not explode, but it will burn nicely. Any epoxy type product will burn. You should try J.B Weld if you are trying to repair a grill.

What are the benefits to cooking with a gas grill?

Cooking with a gas grill is beneficial because it distributes heat better than a electric grill and causes less of mess than an open fire.

Why will a container of gas explode if it is heated?

heat causes pressure, pressure causes friction, friction causes spark, spark causes KABOOM! all in a split second

Can methane explode?

MethaneYes, methane is a gas that can explode.

Over time, is it cheaper to operate a gas grill or a charcoal grill?

Charcoal and gas grills usually cost around the same in the long run. It is more expensive to buy a gas grill, but charcoal to use in a charcoal grill is much more expensive than gas to use in a gas grill.

How does natural gas explode?

By burning. It needs to get fire. If the amount of gas is big enough it will "explode".

How does a star run out of gas then causing it to explode?

OK maybe when is runs out of gas all the gas around it will explode because the heat of the star too. so that is why the stars explode

Choosing Gas Grill Inserts?

A gas grill can be a great way to enjoy delicious food outdoors. While there are lots of cooking opportunities with a traditional gas grill, it's often possible to explore new cooking options with a gas grill insert. Gas grill inserts can be used for cooking rotisserie-style foods. Most inserts come with a small motor that attaches to the exterior of a gas grill. This motor will automatically rotate a spit inside the gas grill.

Natural Gas Grills?

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Gas Grill Parts ?

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Best Gas Grills?

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