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Fire contacting with the air inside the balloon. The heated air within the balloon is less dense than the ambient air surrounding it, therefore for the given volume it is lighter and so rises.

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Q: What causes a hot air balloon to rise?
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What property causes a hot air balloon to rise?


Why are hot air balloons able to rise into the air?

The hot air from the burner rises since it has little density, and then is caught in the balloon, which causes it to rise.

What force brings a hot air balloon to earth after the hot air is let out?

Erm.. no.. i believe its Buoyancy... this force causes u the hot air balloon to rise.. not Gravity..

Why do hot air balloons travel upward?

The heated air causes the whole balloon to rise. When the air inside the balloon cools down, or when the hot air is let out, the balloon goes down.

How does a hot air balloon stays in the air?

A hot air balloon can stay in the air because the hot air is less dense than cool air. The hot air that is blown into the balloon causes it to rise and a burner is used to heat the air inside of the balloon to keep it floating.

What kind of heat transfer causes a hot air balloon to rise?


How is a hot balloon lifted into the air?

to make a hot air balloon rise you use hot air

Why do we use warm air in a hot air balloons?

This is because of convection. Hot air rises and cool air falls which causes the balloon to rise.

Why the hot air balloon needs hot air to make it rise?

Hot air balloons use hot air because hot air rises above cold air. The air inside the balloon is heated above the temperature of the air outside the balloon. The warmer air trapped inside the balloon then causes the balloon to float above the outside colder air.

When does a air balloon rise?

A hot air balloon rises because when hot air is added it is intended to rise and when the hot air balloons wants to land, hot air is decreased.

Why does heating the air in hot air balloon make it rise?

Hot air is lighter than cold air, so cold air sinks and hot air rises; that makes the hot air balloon rise (if the air around the hot air balloon is heated as well, it won't rise, or sink if in the air).

What is the use of air in air balloon?

with out the hot air the balloon would not rise