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Q: What causes a magnetic field to form around certain metals such as iron Is it acted upon by gravity from atoms?
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Where do things fall up instead of down?

In a phenomenon known as the "Upside Down Water Experiment," certain types of charged particles in water can be suspended against gravity using a strong magnetic field. This causes the water to behave as if gravity is pulling it upward, rather than downward. This experiment highlights the effects of magnetic forces on charged particles.

What causes gravity to come to earth?

the mass of the earth exerts gravity on all objects around it

What causes the earth to revove around the sun?

Because of gravity

What causes a magnetic field to be set up around a wire?

Passing an electric current through a wire will produce an external magnetic field. This is because the electrons have spin and this spin is what produces the field. Spinning electrons (of certain characteristics) also produce the magnetic field of permanent magnets. And no spinning electrons, no magnetic field.

Can magnets attract objects without touching them?

A magnet has a magnetic field around it. The magnetic field causes a magnetic force that can attract objects to the magnet.

What are the causes of magnetic drift?

I want to know about magnetic drifs.what are the causes? I want to know about magnetic drifs.what are the causes?

Is gravity the reason that the planets stay in orbits around the sun?

Yes, the gravity of the sun causes all celestial bodies to orbit around.

The force that pulls on objects and causes acceleration if the objects are not balanced by an opposing force?

I believe gravity would fit that description.

Why astronaut's cannot stand straight on the moon?

Gravity. No Gravity causes them to drift around and have no control over were they are going.

What causes ocean tides to reach higher up on a shore at certain times of day than at others?

The moon's gravity and Earth's rotation