

What causes aches to the mid to lower right side of back?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What causes aches to the mid to lower right side of back?
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Back pain lower right side causes are: Lower back and kidney disorders.

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This sounds like a vertebrae is out of alignment. Signed~ A sufferer of back aches and pains! (:/

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Could be Kidney infection? Just a suggestion

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Yes, but not likely.

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If it is in the lower right, comes on suddenly and does not go away, it may be an appendicitis. If it comes in waves, with nausea and includes lower back pain it may be kidney stones. If it is sudden, causes nausea, and is lessening in intensity over 1-3 hours it may be a rupturing ovarian cyst.

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You could have a slipt disc in your lower back, they are very painful.

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You may be having body aches if you are sick, otherwise you should see a doctor or a chiropractor immediatly.

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Yes but that doesn't mean you're pregnant. Take a test. They sell them at the drug stores for less than ten dollars. Let us know the outcome!