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Surely reducing the temperature of the electron and surrounding matter to absolute 0 would stop any interaction?

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Q: What causes an electron to reach zero velocity?
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Under what circumstance can you know the velocity of an electron with great accuracy?

Only when the position is zero.

How is the initial velocity zero but the acceleration is not?

Going back to definitions, Velocity is change of distance with time; and acceleration is change in velocity with time. Initially, the velocity is zero, as is the acceleration, BUT the Force of Gravity attracts the falling mass, and causes velocity to appear. But the continued application of the Force of Gravity causes the velocity to increase. And as we know, increase in velocity is acceleration. [space for QED]

What is the example of Zero velocity but non zero accelerator?

Throwing a ball straight up in the air. It will reach some peak where the velocity is zero, but the acceleration due to gravity is a constant -9.8m/s^2.

Can constant velocity be zero?

Yes. Zero velocity is a velocity; if it is always zero then it is a constant velocity.

Why velocity is non zero when ball dropped to the ground?

The initial velocity of a dropped ball is zero in the y (up-down) direction. After it is dropped gravity causes an acceleration, which causes the velocity to increase. F = ma, The acceleration due to gravity creates a force on the mass of the ball.

What is another word for zero velocity?

Zero velocity = No acceleration

Is the net force acting on a body is zero will the velocity be zero?

No, The velocity CHANGE will be zero

What is the acceleration if velocity is zero?

velocity may be zero or may not be zero i.e. if the object may continue to move with uniform velocity.

What is the velocity if acceleration is zero?

velocity may be zero or may not be zero i.e. if the object may continue to move with uniform velocity.

How is velocity of zero different from an accerlation at zero?

Acceleration is changing velocity. Zero velocity means no motion. Zero acceleration means constant, unchanging motion.

How much velocity is required to reach Saturn?

Once you break free of the Earth's gravity, any velocity greater than zero will eventually reach Saturn, assuming the path is correct to collide with Saturn and no outside variables interfere.

Zero acceleration will the velocity be constant?

Whenever velocity is constant, the acceleration is zero. This also works when the velocity is zero, the acceleration is zero. That pretty much means the object isn't moving. But, yes/ If velocity is constant, accleration is zero.