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There are a whole host of different things that can cause those black rings under the eyes, most commonly; lack of sleep and stress. There are lots of remedies for these rings including:

* Covering your eyes with cucumbers for an hour. * Rubbing Almond or Castor oil under your eyes at night.

* Break open a Vitamin E supplement and rub the oil under your eyes.

While this may be effective, this simply conceals an underlying problem. You need to deal with the source, because other symptoms may appear which could be much worse. You need to learn to deal with the stress better, or drink some chamomile tea before bed to help you sleep. You may suffering with another ailment, and that needs to be dealt with.

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Q: What causes black rings under the eyes?
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Does black rings under your eyes have some thing to do with the kidneys?

Black rings or "bags" under your eyes are usually just a warning sign, but totally harmless, and they have NO connection to anything below your nose. As you're awake, the veins under your eyes become more pronounced giving a black ring around the region. It is next to always due to tiredness, so to cure there is nothing you can buy at the pharmacist. But you can use a pillow. Simply sleep. Unless it's a bruise, in that case put some ice on it. You'll be fine.

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Probably because of lack of sleep. It could just be a shadow. That's how it was for my friend's daughter

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Yes, I usually do this if i have bags under my eyes

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