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Q: What causes blood flow to hands and arms to be restricted?
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Parkinson's disease causes a trembling of the arms and hands and is commonly noticed in children before their teen years?

Parkinson's disease causes a trembling of the arms and hands and is commonly noticed in children before their teen years.

Problem is a heart pain that goes to the arms and causes numming in arms and hands?

classic representation of myocardial infarction i think.

Why do your arms and hands go to sleep?

Ur nerves get ther blood supply blocked

What causes lost of feeling in both arm's and hands?

Polio the disease can paralyse the arms and hands or any limbs even sometimes the lung.

What causes arms to go to sleep when lying down?

When lying down in a certain position, the blood flow to your arm may be restricted or compressed, leading to a tingling sensation or numbness. This can happen due to prolonged pressure on nerves and blood vessels. Shifting your position or stretching your arm can help alleviate the discomfort.

What causes nerve pain in arms hands legs buttocks abdomen chest?

I dont know, but I have that too.

Do squirrel's have hands or arms?

hands and arms i spose lol ;)

What would cause arms to go numb and hurt?

Usually if you sit on them or you have them in unusaul positions for too long, you may get pins & needles and that causes your legs to go numb!

What causes bulging veins in arms and hands?

Because they are closer to the surface. There could be other reasons.

Why do your arms and hands get red when you exercise?

Because you are getting hot and the blood in your body moves closer to the surface to cool down.

Does Carpal Tunnel include hands falling asleep at night?

If your hands are falling asleep at night, that suggests inadequate blood circulation rather than carpal tunnel syndrome. Quite possibly you are not holding your arms in a good position to promote blood circulation. Do not bend the elbows; straight arms are less constricting to blood vessels. On the other hand, some early symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can be mistaken for things like poor circulation in the hands ( and hands falling asleep).

What would cause your right arm and hand to ache and right leg and foot to fall asleep?

Poor circulation. When blood is cut off to the hands, arms, or feet, they can go numb, which causes the tingling or feeling of dead weight.