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Q: What causes brOwning of fingernails?
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What causes deep lines rivets in fingernails?

The deep *vertical* lines in your fingernails are genetic. If you have *horizontal* ridges in your nails, you should see a doctor.

What causes pus under fingernails?

picking warts on your bum and casual worms.

What causes fingernail?

Fingernails are normal in the human body. Please be more specific in your question.

What causes fingernails to be hard?

Keratin... it's a natural substance that makes the nail harden.

Elizabeth barrett-browning supported what causes?

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was a strong advocate for social justice causes, such as the abolition of slavery and women's rights. She also supported the Italian unification movement and wrote poems expressing her support for these causes.

What cell division causes hair bones and fingernails to grow?

cheese is great and other people like it 2.

What causes white unraised horizontal lines on fingernails?

The white area in fingernails and hair are caused by air. That's why snow is white and not blue. Little bumps and bruises that are done to the bed of the nail cause these imperfections.

What causes cam projection crack on the pistol browning 9mm?

Metal fatigue

Why do premature babies get black fingernails?

Some premature babies get dark colored or black fingernails because of the lack of fat under the skin which causes the skin to discolor. This can also be due to a lowered amount of oxygen in the extremities shortly after birth.

What causes enzymatic browning?

in plants, these enzymes are more commonly called phenoloxidases(PPO)