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Q: What causes brownish color sperm in older men?
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Why is some sperm white and some clear?

This can be because of your age. At first when you ejaculate the semen is fluid like and transparent, as you get older it will get more in color which is usually milk white or creamy yellow. This is the Sperm.

What a sperm whale looks like?

The sperm whale is usually dark brownish with gray and light streaks spots and scratches, the skin around its mouth is white.

If a males sperm is brownish?

Brownish semen can be a sign of blood in the semen, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as infection, inflammation, injury, or prostate issues. It is important to consult a medical professional if this occurs to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

What color is sperm if you have a low sperm count?

It doesn't show in color and you can't feel it either.

What color is womens sperm?

Women dont produce sperm

What factors can determine the quality of a male's sperm?

Age. The older the male, the more likely that he will have spermatozoa, or sperm, that may result in birth defects if he makes a baby.Some may disagree, but the above comes from a recently published study on the causes of autism.

What color is boys sperm?

every color in the rainbow

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What color is hippo sperm?


If a male swallows male sperm causes any diseases?

Depends whoes sperm it is

What does lime do to sperm count?

Causes it to be Sour.

The energy for sperm motility comes from?

The quality of sperm is based on its volume and motility which depends on a man's age. The older they get, the sperm volume and motility decreases.