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Q: What causes chunks of ice to break off the ice caps in the Arctic?
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How does dramatic ice melt affect the arctic?

The big companies are to blame. They are using too much Carbon Dioxide, which causes it to break 'dramatic' holes in the ozone layer usually in the polar ice caps.

What is an arctic ice caps?

It is an ice cap (ice berg) found in the arctic.

What covers the arctic islands?

Glaciers and ice-caps

Where are ice caps located on earth?

The North Pole, Greenland, and the Arctic Ocean are all examples of where ice caps are located

Is the arctic melting and are sea and oceans?

Yes the arctic ice caps are melting and the level of the worlds oceans is slowly rising.

Where do scientists obtain ice cores from?

Glaciers and/or the Arctic/Antarctic ice caps.

Where do icebergs come from and how they come to be floating around the ocean?

icebergs are technically just little chunks broken off the polar caps

In what zone are polar icecaps found?

polar ice caps are in the tundra or Arctic. either one.

Does the Arctic have a high or low water level?

In the recent years the levels in the Arctic have been increasing do to melting ice caps. Although before then the levels were fairly level.

Does money from salary caps go to good causes?


What causes polar ice to melt?

Melting of the ice caps Global warming causes the ice caps to melt. As they melt, the moving water corrodes at the remaining ice, speeding up the process.

Do the polar ice caps have animals and plants?

No plants, but animals, yes: you will find much more marine life beneath these ice-caps than above them. Seals, walruses and polar bears (Arctic) and penguins (Antarctic) are found above these polar ice caps.