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They must be buried in the sediment pile and start to decompose aerobically as the pile thickens, they become heated and the decomposition products polymerize to form oils. If the carbon content is high and the organic matter in thick concentrations, solid carbon is also left as a residue (coal).

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Q: What causes dead organisms to change into coal and oil?
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What causes of coal?

dead plants and animals and it is fossil

What type of fuel forms from the dead organisms acted on by temperature and pressure of the earth?

Coal and oil products .

Does coal have DNA?

No. Coal is dead matter, the outcome of long periods of high pressure and temperature following death and decay of living organisms (normally plant matter). The organisms had DNA when they were alive, but the molecules have long since decomposed and converted to other chemicals and structures.

How is the formation of oil and natural gas different from the formation of coal?

Oil and natural gas were made from dead ancient organisms that live about a million years ago that lived in the ocean. Coal was made from the ancient dead plants that lived on land. I hope I helped

Why do dead organisms decay quicker in the summer?

extra heat during the summer causes faster decaying

Is coal in the Appalachian Mountains renewable?

Technically no, but the the supply of coal in the Appalachian mountains will rebuild itself over the millions of years that coal forms. Coal forms from the dead remains of once living organisms. Since the organism(s) aren't solid it will take millions of years for he coal o form a solid substance.

What Are are fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are the remains of decomposition of buried dead organisms under pressure. The common fossil fuels are oil , gas and coal.

Can coal petroleum natural gas can be prepared in laboratory by dead organisms?

No,Their formation is a very slow process and condition for their formation cannot be created in laboratory

What is the organism that causes the decay of dead plant and animal matter?

The term for an organism that causes decay is decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi. they chemically break down organic matter for food. the decay caused by the decomposers is part of a process that produces detritus, small pieces of dead and decaying plant/animal remains.

In dead organisms what change would you expect over time?

Dead organisms (unless specially preserved) will decay, and the soft tissue will rot and eventually disappear, leaving behind only bones or shells (for those organisms that have bones or shells).

What fuels are fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are the remains of decomposition of buried dead organisms under pressure. The common fossil fuels are oil , gas and coal.

What organisms that breakdown waste and dead organisms?

Organisms that break down waste and dead organisms are called decomposers.