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Q: What causes food to spoil mold cooking viruses protozoa?
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Related questions

What is inside chicken that causes it to spoil?

Microorganisms cause chicken to spoil.

Can cooked meat spoil?

Yes, absolutely, but takes longer to spoil than uncooked food and depends on how quickly it was refrigerated and stored after cooking. Different food takes different amounts of time to spoil.

How long does it take for cafe life food to spoil?

it depends on what your cooking

What causes feta to spoil?

Exposure to air.

What Causes Fruits to Spoil?

heat and light

Does chicken spoil from cooking for 20 hours?

Cooking a chicken for 20 hours would likely make it so dry it would be inedible. Even at a very low temperature cooking that long would not be advisable.

How does cooking food preserve food?

The bacteria and fungi in the food are killed by the heat and can therefore no longer spoil the food.

How long does it take unrefrigerated hot dogs to spoil?

I wouldn't eat them after 30 minutes out without cooking them thoroughly again.

What causes things to spoil?

Food spoilage happens when bacteria in the food is allowed to grow. The food heats up to room temperature or hotter and the bacteria grow allowing it to spoil.

How does food spoil?

When air gets at it, it oxidizes and its quality diminishes.Microorganisms from the air land on the food and can begin to grow. this causes an unpleasant smell, bad taste, discoloration and it can become dangerous to eat.Enzymes in the food can continue to act upon the food, leading to over-ripening and ultimately, spoilage.Pests can get into food and spoil it with their wastes.All of these causes are slowed via refrigeration or freezing and proper dry goods storage.

Why does an over-ripen banana in your fruit basket cause the other fruits to begin to spoil?

As bananas ripen they give off a gas that causes other fruit near them to ripen faster and then spoil.

What are the symptoms of virus?

depends on what virus really. usually fever coughing and vomiting. but deadlier viruses cause different types of organ failure and bleeding. there is one symptom that causes your brain to inflate till it touches your skull causing brain damage and death. hope i didnt spoil your appetite just now.