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Q: What causes full body twitching?
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What causes stomach twitching?

could be gas due to irregular digestion or pregnancy

Can your new glasses cause eye twitching?

Yes it can. If you're eye are adjusting or you're prescription is wrong it can cause eye strain which can lead to eye twitching. There can be other causes though so you may want to consider other reasons you're eye is twitching. Check out the related link for a full list of causes to see which one fits your situation best and is probably the cause of your eye twitching.

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What are causes of eye twitching?

Stress mostly

What causes minor swelling and twitching of lip?

There are a number of causes for minor swelling and twitching of lips. In most cases, this is associated with stress or certain allergies.

What causes head twitching in children?

Typically neurological problems will cause head twitching in children. This twitching could be helped or cured by certain prescribed medications.

What is twitching?

twitching is when any part of the body (most commony i the eye) is in a short fast movement..

What part of speech is twitching?

The part of speech of twitching is a verb like when you twitch your eye or other parts of the body

What causes headaches palpitations and twitching in children?

school stress parents lol

What causes upper left cheek twitching?

my upper lip twitches when i after i smirk so......................................................................

What causes twitching during sleep?

It is called fasciculation... It's probably nothing to be worried about!

What causes twitching in the human forearm?

Twitching, little muscle spasms, could be caused by dehydration and lack of calcium and potassium. No matter what the cause, a physician should address this problem. If the twitching is painful, it may be some type of inflammation in the nerve or neuritis.