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Hormones will cause those symptoms. If the symptoms are happening around the middle of your cycle than it is probably ovulation symptoms and if it is near the end it is PMS. Either way do not worry those symptoms are quite normal and most woman get them. Just as a precaution you may want to get your blood pressure checked as those symptoms can also mean high blood pressure.

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Q: What causes headaches dizziness and nausea if its not pregnancy because you still get your period?
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Is getting a headache when going to the bathroom a symptom of pregnancy?

They can be, but probably won't be the only symptom.It is indeed possible that headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. It is quite normal to have more frequent headaches as your body changes in the first trimester. There are several good research sites with this information on it if you search them out or ask.They can be, but they probably won't be the only symptom.I would not consider headaches a sign of pregnancy. Headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. There are many contributing factors to headaches, even dehydration. A missed period would be a more reliable sign.Hello,Yes they are.ANSWERHEY...I started my pregnancy with the headaches. To this day I still have them everyday or other day. It is a sign of pregnancyThere are a number of causes of headaches in early pregnancy. It can definitely be a sign. You will usually have other symptoms as well.i don't know if i am pregnant i always have headahes,vomitting and sometimes feel backpain.. every night i feel sick..Yes it is a definitely one of the pregnancy signs.Anyone can get headaches, leading to signs many problems humans have. I'm going with no. Although, headaches do occur with pregnancy, they also happen to people who have stress. Pregnancy can be stressful.

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Yes, H. Pylori can cause dizziness. It absorbs Vitamin C, which then prevents the body from absorbing Iron, which then causes anemia. Anemia can cause dizziness.

Does hypertension cause dizziness?

Yes it does. The reason it causes dizziness is because hypertension is high BP and the blood is moving around the body real fast and there is more blood going into the brain

Can Headaches cause headaches?

Yes, indirectly through dehydration. Dehydration causes nearly 90% of all headaches.

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What are the most common low blood pressure symptoms?

The most common low blood pressure symptoms is low sugar levels. Weight loss, headaches, dizziness and there are other symptoms that causes low blood pressure level.

What causes tension headaches?

Tension headaches can be caused by many things. Dehydration, stress, lack of sleep are some of the more common causes. It is best to see a doctor to diagnose your headaches, especially if they are prolonging.