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Q: What causes high mch in cbcwdiff test?
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What does a high MCH Lab test reveal?


What does a high MCH mean in blood test results?

i have a reading of 34.7 result of MCH what does that mean

What does that mean if you MCH test is high?

That is not possible. There is something wrong with your results. Tell your MLT/MT to rerun your CBC/MCH test. Spherocytes can cause MCH/MCHC to go high, but it is impossible. Spherocyte is a small red blood cell that have no central pallor

What does a high MCH mean?

normal range of mch is 27-32pg. mch means corpuscular hemoglobin. i think it can be high in polycythemia.

What is a mch test?

An MCH test is called a Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin test. This test is to determine the average weight of hemoglobin that is present inside a red blood cell.

What does it mean to have a high MCH a low RDW and low saturation on blood test?

it is in b12 and folic acid deficiency

When a MCH is high and an RBC is low what can cause this?

When a MCH and an RBC and WBC is low, what can cause this"

What if your mch is 33.4?

mcv high

Can a lack of iron produce a high mch in blood count?

No, but lack of iron could cause a low MCH

What does it mean to have high MCH on bloodwork?

MCH in blood work refers to Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. This is the concentration of hemoglobin in blood cells. High MCH can mean macrocytic anemia, which results from a deficiency in vitamin B12 or folic acid.

What is if MCV and mch are low in blood test?

microcytic hypochromic anaemia

What are the causes for Lymph Abs levels of 3.44 high levels and Mono Abs 0.75 high also high levels of MCH cell counts?

dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and anemia and that is severe, to make the levels drop so much