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Liver cancer/ leukemia

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Q: What causes a high white count and low platelets?
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Related questions

What causes high Platelet count?

Having a high platelet count is called thrombocytosis. This can be caused by cancer, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, and use of birth control pills.

What is indicates high TLC and low platelets count?


Why Kids with low platelets and high white cell counts and brusing?

You have not mentioned the white cell count. It is difficult to give any opinion. The child needs further evaluation.

What causes vertigo and dangerously high white blood count and severe headaches?


Is 437H a normal blood platelet count?

It is an atypical count - on the high side but not "alarming" ( my count is in the 300's and is "normal for me). The Red Cross love us with high platelet counts as we are great apherisis donors (giving platelets only)...platelets are eed by persons getting chemo as the raditation kills their platelets...Talk to your doctor

What causes low white cell count in horses?

A low white blood cell count is of concern and your vet should be looking into it further. A high white blood cell means that your horse is fighting infection.

What causes low segmented neutrophils and high lymphocytes?

what causes a white cell count of 3.6 and a neutrophils of 35 and lymphocytes 53 and eosinophils 4

High white cell count 13.8 and having a scan on my tummy why?

with a high white count and abd pain they will be looking for appy problems but 13k white count isn't that high

What does platelet aggregation mean?

High platelets means a condition in which the blood contains more platelets than normal. Platelets are small blood cell fragments that assist in blood clotting. In a healthy person, there are usually 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. A high platelet count can be identified through routine blood tests.

What medical condition is associated with platelets?

Disorders of the bone marrow and systemic conditions can cause an elevated platelet count. An elevated platelet count is known as thrombocytosis. A high platelet count can signal a more serious blood problem known as a myeloproliferative disorder

Does lyme disease cause high white blood count?

Lyme disease can cause a high white blood count.

What happens if white blood cell count is high?

If white blood cell count is high that means the body is responding to an infection.