

What causes lift?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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lift is when air is blown at a moving object and the shape of the object pushes it down and itself up

as an example when a plane moves down the runway, the air is pushed down by the shape of the wings

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It is called Lift. The difference in pressure above and below the wigs as a bird moves through the air produces an upward force that causes the bird to rise.

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according to bernoulli's principle, when air is blown with an increased velocity over the dime, the air pressure beneath the dime decreases significantly and causes lift. this is the same principle with an airplane's wings. the shape of the wing causes the air on top of the wing to increase, causes a decrease in pressure beneath the wing. this causes lift.

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Lift is what ultimatly causes the plane to take off. When a plane get up to take off speed, that means the wings are generating enough lift to lift the plane up. The pilot will change the planes angle of attack with the elevators (located on the horizontal stabilizers) to the wind which forces engine thrust to push the plane into the air.

What force does a air planes wings cause?

I believe that the lift force it causes is called the Coreolis Effect.