

What causes oedema?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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Oedema is the accumulation of fluid within any part of the body.

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Q: What causes oedema?
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Can anemia lead to oedema?

anemia causes increased production of vascular endothelial relaxing factor that causes dilatation of the vasculature producing oedema.

What is another name for oedema?

Dropsy is the former name for oedema

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Pulmonary oedema or infectiuos complications related to pancreatic necrosis.

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What is an anasarca?

An anasarca is a generalized oedema.

What are the causes of oedema in congestive heart failure?

Oedema with congestive heart failure typically occurs when there has been right sided heart failure. Left sided HF can, however, often also lead to right sided heart failure. Basically, when RSHF occurs, the ventricle is not contracting with the same strength that it once used to. Overtime, this causes the backflow of blood from the right ventricle, artrium and into the vessels supplying this structure. This backflow causes increased pressure of blood in the vessels which are bringing blood to the heart. So, you get what is called 'increased capillary hydrostatic pressure' which just means increased pressure within the peripheral capillaries due to increased blood backflow. This causes transudate formation - some of the plasma from the capillaries is pushed out and into the interstitial spaces (spaces within the cells). This causes increased build up of fluid within the interstitial spaces and therefore oedema.

What are the advantages of organ system?

helps integrate understanding of disease processes affecting spatially disparate organs. E.g helps explain why cardiac failure causes breathlessness and ankle oedema

What is the reason for death after consuming methanol?

Death results from complications of metabolic acidosis including coma, convulsions, cardiovascular collapse, cerebral oedema and pulmonary oedema.

How did Stephen Gately die?

Steven Gatley died of natural causes on October 10, 2009, due to pulmonary oedema. A post-mortem and toxicology tests took place on 13 October and this examination showed that Gately had indeed died of natural causes.

What is acroedema?

Acroedema is oedema which affects the hands and feet.

How do you get rid of pitting oedema?

pitting oedema is the retension of fluid due to cardiac failure as a consequence of excessive salt and water retension ,also seen in pulmonary diseases,peripheral oedema is mainly found in the feet and ankles in ambulant patients,as its site is determined by gravity,pressure with the thumb if sustained will displace the fluid and leave a pit,on going to bed it is redestributed to thighs and sacral regions,the treatment is to treat the cause for cardiac,pulmonary,venous congestion,or for renal causes, to advice the patient to consume less salt and to be ambulant