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It is caused by the bacteria dying, because it ran out of oxygen. The bacteria that formed a pellicle would be considered a oligate aerobe or strict aerobe, because it can only survive in the presence of oxygen.

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Q: What causes pellicle formation on a broth?
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Why do some microorganisms characteristically form a growth of the pellicle type?

in pellicle formation small masses of cells gather at the top of the nutrient broth. these organisms (masses of cells) are aerobes. the oxgen concentration is greatest at the top which would explain growth of the pellicle type.

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When bacteria are grown in broths such as trypticase soy broth (TSB), they may exhibit patterns of growth ranging from a sediment at the bottom of the tube, turbid growth throughout the tube, or a pellicle (thick growth at the top of the tube).

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Haha, you must be working on the protist crossword, the answer is pellicle.

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What is the function of a PELLICLE?

A pellicle is a thin, skin-like film that forms on the surface of food when it is smoked, helping to trap and hold the smoke flavor. It acts as a barrier to help retain moisture and protect the outer layer of the food during the smoking process.

Because the Euglena's pellicle is flexible this organism can?

Because the Euglena's pellicle is flexible, this organism can

What is the function of pellicle?

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What is a pellicle in microbiology?

Pellicle is outer flexible covering of protozoa and other protists .

What is the purpose of a pellicle?

A pellicle is the layer of support in a cell membrane. It is the protection of the cell and the casing in which it is held.

Why zooflagellates and euglena classified differently?

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