

Best Answer

1. Turbidity 2. Sediment 3. Pellicle 4. Pigment Citation: Wistreich, G (2003). Microbiology Laboratory. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc,.

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Q: What are the 4 characteristics of broth cultures?
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What is the 4 specific characteristics of broth culture?

The four specific characteristics of the Broth culture is that they have distinct dances, always move in group, a specific lifestyle and are very industrious.

IN microbiology what is the primary use of broths?

Broth cultures are used to grow large numbers of bacteria in a small space

What is the most commonly used instrument used for transferring cultures from a broth?

inoculating loop and needle.

Use of sodium chloride in nutrient broth?

Nutrient broth is a liquid used to grow bacterial cultures and the amount of sodium chloride is a solution of 0.90% w/v of NaCl.

How much protein is in vegetable broth?


Why does nutrient broth go cloudy?

Nutrient broth becoming cloudy in appearance is usually a good indication that one or more cultures of bacteria or fungi has grown in the broth. This can be confirmed by viewing a sample of the broth under a simple light microscope, or by streaking a sample onto nutrient agar and incubating it to see if colonies become visible (usually within a few days).

What characteristics is associated with both the Roman and the Greek cultures?

Polytheistic Religion

What are some human characteristics of moscow?

very different cultures

What does LB stand for in LB agar?

LB stands for Luria Bertani. It is a growth medium used for most of the bacterial cultures, compositions of LB broth is 10g of tryptone, 5g of yeast extract and 10g of NaCl. For LB medium add 75g/l of Bacteriological buffer in the broth and pour it in the plate to solidify,.

Which of the following characteristics did all the major Indian cultures of North America share?


How much is 4 part broth an 1 part sauce?

1 part can be anything such as: 1 cup of broth to 1 cup of sauce, or 1 tbls if broth to 1 tbls of sauce. hope this helps

Is chicken broth safe to eat if it does not smell bad?

No. Without preservatives, broth should last about a week in the fridge. The first sign that broth is going bad is it gets cloudier. Of course, without knowing how cloudy the broth is to begin with, "cloudier" is hard to judge. If you're not certain that you will use broth within a week, freeze it. Pre-measure it out in 1, 1/4 or 1/4 cup increments so you don't have to thaw all of it out before use.