

Best Answer

Check out the medical condition known as "Proctalgia Fugax" - This may very well be the answer to your question.

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Q: What causes rectal pain usually at night and is relieved when you can finally pass wind?
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What causes anal and rectal fistulas?

Anal and rectal fistulas are usually caused by an abscess.

What are the causes of rectal cancer and the signs one should get a rectal exam?

The cause of rectal cancer are not all known. However, you should get a rectal exam if you experience unusual tiredness, nasuea, bloody stools, abdominal cramps, and a change in bowel habits. These may be signs of rectal cancer.

What are some reasons for rectal bleeding?

Rectal Bleeding can be caused by many things. Possible causes could be anything from Hemorrhoids to Cancer. Rectal Bleeding can even be related to Diahrrea or Food Poisoning.

What are the top rectal cancer symptoms?

There are many possible causes of rectal pain, some benign and some more serious. You should make an appointment to see a physician, especiall if you are at risk for colon or rectal cancer.

What causes rectal itch?

There could be many reasons. But most prominent is worms

What is the definition of rectal prolapse?

Rectal prolapse is when the entire wall of the rectum or the rectal mucosa protrudes (bursts). It usually only protrudes by a few centimeters. It is uncommon however mostly occurs in young children and the elderly.

What is an occult rectal prolapse?

Rectal prolapse is when a part of your rectum, which is usually an internal structure, pokes out through your anus. There are differing degrees depending on how far it comes out and how difficult it is to get it back in place.

Can ecstasy cause rectal bleeding?

it depends... when mixed with anal sex it usually causes anal bleeding and the desire to watch broke back mountain while wearing assless chaps. newtest3

What can be the causes of a rectal seal?

a rectal seal is when another organ in your body is buldging through or into your vagina wall. You may have a bulge out of your vagina as well. It can either be your bladder, your small intestine, you colon, or you uterus. This happens due to many causes, such as childbirth, bowel problems etc. :)

Is a rectal thermometer reading of 101 degrees equal to an oral thermometer reading of 101degrees?

No. Usually there is about a degree difference with the rectal temperature being about 1 degree higher.

What symptoms would be better investigated with a rectal examination?

Rectal examinations are used in routine checkups for both men and women as a form of preventative care. However, if one is experiencing rectal bleeding, enlarged prostate, issues with female reproductive organs, or internal hemorrhoids a rectal examination is often performed to help narrow down possible causes.

What is the rectal temperature of a three toed sloth?

The average rectal temperature of a three toed sloth is usually between 28 Celsius and 32 Celsius (If you take the temp for week). "I tried to take my sloth's rectal temperature but I lost my thermometer and got my hand dirty."