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Q: What causes spasm at corner of mouth?
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What causes hemifacial spasm?

The cause of hemifacial spasm has been linked to overactivity of the seventh cranial nerve nucleus that signals facial muscle movement. In other instances, hemifacial spasm may be caused by compression by a mass or abnormal blood vessel.

What would cause a spasm on the left side of my face affecting my eye and my mouth?

What causes your spasm in the left side of your face is called "Hemifacial Spasm". It usually begins with a twitching of your left eye and later would progress to affect your face and mouth. It has something to do with the 7th cranial nerve located near the back of your ear. Treatment includes Botox or surgery known as MVD (a brain surgery).

Is it dangerous if you pass out then hit your head and have a spasm?

A head injury that causes a spasm is definitely serious. Get checked out.

What causes the hiccup sound with each spasm?

The diaphram.

What is cheliosis?

The term cheilosis refers to a medical condition that causes a painful inflammation and drying and cracking of the lips at the corner of the mouth.

What is the medical term meaning any restriction to the opening of the mouth?

Trismus is restruction of the opening of the mouth due to spasm.

What are the causes of spasm?

A spasm is described as a muscle which quickly contracts involuntarily and suddenly. This can be painful. According to the part of the body where the spasm occurs, the cause can stem from various factors. However, in general a spasm will occur if a muscle is overused, therefore running out of energy.

Is morphine contraindicated cholecystitis?

Contraindicated. Causes spasm for sphinter of Oddi.

What does it mean when someone says you have something on the corner of your mouth?

It usually means you have something on the corner of your mouth.

What triggers a spasm?

a muscle spasm occurs when the muscles have been tense for a long period of time and then you make a sudden movement and it causes it to spasm. I have suffered with muscle spasm's in my back for about a year now due to a back injury and this is what my doctor has told me, it can be treated with diazapam to relax the muscle's.

What would cause a spasm on the left side of my face effecting my eye and my mouth?

Constipation, I think. It happens to me.

What is colitis pain like?

Inflammation, ulceration and spasm of the bowels causes pain in colitis.