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Q: What causes the Palatine Tonsil to become inflamed?
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What is the smoking condition that causes the bronchial tubes to become inflamed and mucus production to increase?

Chronic bronchitis is often caused by smoking. Smoking causes the bronchial tubes to become inflamed and mucus production to increase.

Fungus that causes the heart muscle lining or valves to be inflamed?

Endocarditis aspergillus fumigatus is the fungus that causes the heart muscle lining and or valves to become inflamed. It is a severe, though rare, complication in cardiological patients.

How does sclerotherapy work?

The chemical causes the vein to become inflamed, which leads to the formation of fibrous tissue and closing of the lumen, or central channel of the vein.

What is cellulitis of the eye?

Cellulitis of the eye is a condition where the tissues and skin around the eye become inflamed. They could also get infection and this is what causes the inflammation.

Where can one find tonsil illnesses?

Tonsil illness causes problems with throat - which can result in sore throat, sleeping and breathing disorder. Tonsil illness affects throat filters and reduces ability of the throat to filter bacteria and germs.

What does a tendon become during tendonitis?

During Tendonitis the tendon becomes irritated, inflamed, and sometimes even swollen. Physically, it causes soreness and pain.

What is a cumulative trauma disorder?

The small microtraumas of repeated injury causes the area to become inflamed, and there is not enough time in between injuries for complete healing to occur.

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what causes this to enlarge in the liver

Can you die from diverticulitus?

complications from diverticulitus could kill you. The inflamed diverticular can become infected and rupture. The contents of the bowel then enters the abdomen and causes infection.I unfortunately had this happen.

What causes inflamed lung nodes?

I have infammatory noed in the precarinal area.

What causes BOOP?

(BOOP) is a rare lung condition in which the small airways and air exchange sac become inflamed with connective tissue. This is condition can be caused by pneumonia like illnesses and is extremely rare.

What causes inflamed spine?

what caused my inflamed spine is my type of work, I'm a hair stylist standing for so many hours a day. i hardly exercise or stretch. \