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The heat of the compressed air from the aircraft engine via the engine's exhaust heats the water vapor in the air (air is cooler in the atmosphere) making condensation in the form of a cloud, for the cloud info type in:

How do clouds form?

If you just need info on the contrails just add on how clouds form onto the contrail.

Hope that helps.

This info is copyrighted 2009 by KingOscar15

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Improved by brainyone27

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Q: What causes the contrail of a jet airplane?
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Related questions

What is an Airplanes white trail?

The white trail you see behind an airplane in the sky is called a contrail. It's an artificial cloud made by the exhaust of jet aircraft or from the wingtips.

How long does a jet white trail last?

Commonly known as a contrail (condensation trail), the white vaporous trail that is visible coming out of jet aircraft is a result of three concurrent events: 1. Hot jet exhaust cooling as it exits the jet engine. 2. Atmospheric moisture (humidity. 3. Particulate matter as residue from the burning of the jet fuel. As the jet exhaust cools, water molecules condense on the minute particles of carbon in the exhaust forming water droplets and visible vapor, which appears as the white trail behind the jet. The length of the trail generally is determined by the relative amount of atmospheric moisture (humidity) present in the plane's path. The more humidity, the longer the contrail, and conversely, the less humidity, the shorter the contrail. As time passes, the contrail disperses. Wind speed at that altitude can affect how long the contrail is visible. More wind will disperse the contrail more quickly.

What is the classification for the contrials cloud?

Misspelled it: It's contrail clouds. They're in family A, high altitude clouds. Contrails are made from either airplane exhaust or wingtip vortexes. Wingtip vortexes are essentially a drop in air pressure during flight, which causes a temperature change, which causes mositure to condense. That all leads to contrails. Airplane exhaust simply condenses to form clouds. Contrail clouds last long after the plane has left.

When you see a jet contrail should you hear its sound coming from a spot on its contrail where it was 40 seconds ago?

contrails are water molecules at high altitude due to condensation.

What is the cloud called that forms when a jet moves?

Jet Lag ;) get it ? Now for the actual answer. It's called a contrail, short for condensation trail.

Does a jet fly faster than an commercial airplane?

It depends on what kind of jet or commercial airplane it is.

What do you call an airplane smoke trail?

It is called a contrail. The 'con' in contrail is derived from condensation, because mostly, airplane vapour or 'smoke' trails are made of water. Concorde's contrail was the purest with something like 99% of it being water at cruising altitude. As the air is accelerated over the wing, the water vapour present in the ambient air can't stay suspended so it condenses, forming a long thin 'cloud'.

What forms contrail clouds?

Contrails are formed from the moisture in the exhaust of an airplane. The moisture condenses or crystallizes to form a visible cloud.

When and where was the first jet airplane developed?

The first jet airplane was designed in Germany in the early 1940's.

What is a thin trail of smoke called?

The stream behind a jet is called a contrail. It is actually water vapor that condenses in the cold.

Who invented jet airplane?

Boeing made the first JET airplane with its Boeing 707, or Dash 80 as it was called before.

How do a jet airplane get of the ground?
