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Q: What causes the observable changes to the shape of the moon?
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What causes the apparent repeated changes of the moons shape?

The Earth's and Moon's rotation.

What causes the apparent changes of the moon's shape?

The variations in how much reflected sunlight we see as the Moon orbits Earth.

What causes the apparent repeated changes of the Moon's shape?

The variations in how much reflected sunlight we see as the Moon orbits Earth.

What is the shape of the moon on Halloween?

Technically, the shape of the moon never changes. What changes is what we saw on Earth. The shape we see depends on the alignment of the Moon, Earth, and Sun.

Can the moon change shape?

Yes the moon does change shape. That is why phases of the moon happen. If you did not know, but phases means changes. So phases of the moon is changes of the moon.

What causes the moon Moon to seem to change shape?

The moon looks like it changes shape because as it orbits the Earth and we only see one side of the moon, sunlight hits the part of the moon that we see at different angles - therefore making the moon "change shape". We also can only see the sunlit side of the moon from Earth and that is also another factor to the moon's apparent shape.

What causes the changes of the moon phases?

The moon spins

Does the moon change shape at night?

The moon never changes shape only the light you can see.

What causes the moon to change it's shape?

The moon does not change shapes. The shadow of the earth on the moon changes how much of it you can see.Another viewpoint: I think this question is about the "phases" of the Moon.The Moon only appears to change shape during its different phases.Exactly one half of the Moon is in sunlight at any time. The phases occur because the Moon orbits Earth. That causes us to see different amounts of the sunlit Moon, and so its shape seems to change.

What is one observable event other than the moon phases caused by the moon orbiting earth?

The gravitational pull of the orbiting moon causes the ocean tides.

What is the periodic changes in the moon's shape called?


What are the changes in shape the moon seems to go through called?

The changes in shape that the moon goes through are called phases.