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Q: What causes the outward pressure of the star?
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The outward pressure of hot gas in the Sun causes what?

balanced by gravitational pull

What happens when the outward force of pressure wins out over gravity in an old star?

They eplode into supernovas.

What does the equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force gravity do?

"While the star can produce energy, that keeps the star in balance - it keeps the star from collapsing. By the way, another outward force is the gas pressure, but that, by itself, is not enough to counteract the force of gravity in the case of a star."

What does the equilibruim between the outward pressures of radiaion and the force of gravity do?

While the star can produce energy, that keeps the star in balance - it keeps the star from collapsing. By the way, another outward force is the gas pressure, but that, by itself, is not enough to counteract the force of gravity in the case of a star.

What does the equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity do?

"While the star can produce energy, that keeps the star in balance - it keeps the star from collapsing. By the way, another outward force is the gas pressure, but that, by itself, is not enough to counteract the force of gravity in the case of a star."

What is the relationship between pressure and gravity on a red giant?

To start with, the star's gravitational attraction is not sufficient to offset the outward radiation pressure. As a result, the star increases in size until the two are in balance.

How does gravity and nuclear fusion affect a stars size?

Gravity will cause a star to become smaller, because it pulls matter towards the star's core and causes it to contract. On the other hand, nuclear fusion will cause a star to become larger, because it produces an outward pressure, pushing the star's matter outwards and causing it to expand.

What is external pressure?

outward pressure

Inside a star the force of gravity is balanced by?

If the force of gravity crushing a star in weren't balanced, it would collapse. The outward-pushing force counteracting gravity is the energy produced in nuclear fusion, when the heat and pressure inside of stars smashes atoms together.

When a star's inward gravity and outward pressure are balance the star is said to be?

Hydrostatic equilibrium occurs when compression due to gravity is balanced by a pressure gradient which creates a pressure gradient force in the opposite direction. The balance of these two forces is known as the hydrostatic balance.

Why will the fabric of a dome tent bulge outward on a windy day?

The wind causes the air to flow faster outside the tent than inside the tent and lowers the pressure outside the tent, thus causing the tent to bulge outward from the higher inner pressure.

Stars balance there inside gravity by?

The inward force of gravity is counteracted by two outward forces: gas pressure, and radiation pressure. Once the star runs out of fuel, the radiation pressure stops, the gas pressure is no longer enough to counteract gravity, and the star collapses - into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole, depending on its mass.