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Q: What causes the pencil to appear to be doubled?
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Why would a 9 month old male labrador appear to have 2 sets of testicles?

A 9 month old male Labrador might appear to have 2 sets of testicles because he has swelling or damage to the testicles. He might also have a bite or infection that causes the area to appear doubled.

Does a pencil remain the same when it is dipped in a glass of water?

Physically, the pencil remains a straight pencil. Optically, due to the refraction effect of water, the pencil will appear to be bent.

Why does a yellow pencil appear yellow?

because a yellow pencil can only reflect yellow light and that yellow light is what you see from a yellow pencil.

When did the lead pencil first appear?

in ancient rome

What causes a pencil to look bent in water?

Water can cause a distortion of the light and in turn causes optical illusions. The water refracts light in such a way that objects viewed through light can appear bent, or angled sharply. This is a function of refraction.

What is a pencil rubbing?

Here's an example of pencil rubbing: Put a coin under a piece of paper and lightly rub it with the side of the pencil lead and the details of the coin will appear!

What is the conclusion of broken pencil?

-the pencil looks broken & bent in water. - the pencil looks bent, because of the refraction of light, that causes that to happen. -pencil looks really thick, in water.

What disease causes pencil like stools?

colon cancer

Why does a pencil leave a mark on paper?

When a pencil is rubbed on paper fiction causes a small amount of the graphite from the core of the pencil to be left on the paper. This leaves a visible mark.

Does the revolution of the sun causes the sun to appear to set?

The rotation of the earth is what causes the sun to appear to set

How does sound travel through air when a student taps his pencil on a desk?

Why this is in the jokes and riddles section is beyond me. Anyhow, when a student taps his pencil on a desk, the impact causes the pencil and the desk to vibrate. This vibration also causes the air to vibrate, and vibrations in the air = sound!

What are the causes through which nominal GDP had doubled overnight?

through inflation as nominal GDP does not account for it