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Q: What causes the river to become shallow over time?
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There are a number of causes of cramps. Some causes can be being dehydrated, taking shallow breaths, over stretching of a muscle or exercising for too long.

How did wagons cross over streams and rivers?

They tried to find 'fords' where the river widened and got shallow.

What causes a wash over?

Too much water in the river, causing the water to "wash over" the river bank.

What part of the river do fish like most?

In the river. Not over it. Not under it. And not next to it. In the river.It depends what type of fish and what river or lake. Usually for a river the best place is at a long, not too shallow, slow flowing area.

What were the advantages to canals over rivers?

Using reservoirs (lodges) and lock gates to maintain a water level in a canal, means that boats can travel on the canal in all but the winter, when the canal may be iced over. On a river, the water level depends on rainfall, and could become too shallow during the summer.

What causes mountains to become shorter over time?

weathering, and erosion

What will over mixing do to the batter?

it causes the molecules in the batter to thicken and become heavier

What occurs when water rises over the banks or sides of a river?

The surrounding land will become flooded.

What causes river erosion?

Over time the moving water carries particles of the river bed and banks away, and if there happens to be a flood that can happen much more quickly.

What happens when a stream of water flows over?

It could become a waterfall. Or if it just flows over onto more land then it becomes a river, not a stream.

What happens to rocks left in a river for extended time?

the rocks get grind ed together over and over by the force of water pushing it and eventually become sand.

What are two ways that earth can be reshaped over time?

The earth can be reshaped over time through several processes including weathering and through plate tectonics. Weathering causes the creation of river valleys while the movement of plates causes mountains to form.