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factors that have led to underdevelopment in Kenya

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Physical underdevelopment in children is caused by famine or lack of vital nutrients.

Financial undevelopment is caused by lack of investment in Africa.

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Zethu Tyhafile

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Q: What causes underdevelopment in Africa?
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The duration of Memories of Underdevelopment is 1.6 hours.

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Memories of Underdevelopment was created on 1968-08-19.

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Andre Gunder Frank's theory of underdevelopment suggests that underdevelopment in many countries resulted from their historical interactions with developed countries, which exploited their resources and hindered their economic growth. While this theory provides insights into the root causes of underdevelopment, it may not fully explain the current state of development in many less developed countries today. Factors such as corruption, governance issues, and lack of investment in education and infrastructure also play significant roles in perpetuating underdevelopment.

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What are the external and internal causes of underdevelopment?

1. The external causes of underdevelopment.The effects of external factors in underdevelopment are numerous, it depend on the view point of the writer. E.g African nations had many times base their major reasons for low or lack of development as far back as colonisation of the Africans nations by the top and world power nations. Base on imperialism, exploitation marginalization inferiority complex. etc.experienced from the so called colonial masters.2. The internal factors of underdevelopment.This is the most common and unaffordable situation happen to many underdevelopment nations in African. Which cooped with indigenous leadership killing the truth and rising the lie for their fellow citizens of the nation. The problem of internal leaders in underdevelopment of a nation is efficacious to is economic nature either lead to stagnation, redundancy, dependable, or stampede. Which at long run fell into underdevelopment.

What do you understand by underdevelopment?

Underdevelopment is when resources are not used to their full potential. The result of this is that local or regional development is slower than it should be.

What impact did the triangle trade Africa?

The triangle trade had a devastating impact on Africa as it led to widespread enslavement of Africans, disruption of communities, loss of cultural heritage, and economic exploitation. This trade system also contributed to the underdevelopment of Africa by diverting human and natural resources away from local economies.