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Your body uses the least amount of liquid available to flush the toxins and bacteria from your body. This means that your body is trying to conserve the little water in your body already and has to flush out just the same amount of "bad" stuff using a little amount of water. The little amount of water becomes very concentrated with the toxins and bacteria because it can not disperse the toxins over large amounts of water.

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3w ago

When you do not drink enough water, your body will conserve water by producing less urine. This can lead to more concentrated urine because the kidneys reabsorb more water back into the body, resulting in a higher concentration of waste products in the urine. Dehydration can also cause the urine to appear darker in color due to the increased concentration of waste products.

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12y ago

large intakes of water lowers the osmotic potential of blood.therefore,the posterior lobe of pituitary gland is only less stimulated to secrete anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) . water re-absorption by the kidney tubules becomes minimal,this leads to the production of large amounts of colorless,dilute urine.

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If you don't drink enough water, you could become dehydrated. This can result in many problems if it gets bad enough, such as your kidneys shutting down.

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