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Become really concentrated

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Q: What would happen to your urine if you did not drink much water?
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Does alcohol cause kidney failure?

alcohol suppresses the amount of ADH (anti-diahretic hormone) released, causing less water being reabsorbed from urine to blood in kidneys. you will then produce a lot of dilute urine as a result >> To measure the alcohol concentration in their urine I would test the concentration of the urine, to test how much water there was in the urine. Normally, 95% of the urine is composed of water, but if the person had drunk alcohol, the kidneys would take out more water (from the blood) than usual and pass it into the urine. This would have a diluting effect on the urine, so more of the urine would be composed of water than normal. I could test for water by dipping dry cobalt chloride paper into the urine. I could then note any colour change. A pale pink would indicate water, and I could compare the colour of the paper to the other urine samples.

Should you drink water when your vomiting?

While vomiting it might be helpful to drink a glass of water but I think is better not to drink water because it may cause you to make you vomit even worse so It would be better not to drink water

In order to survive people have been know to go to great lengths and to do things they would not ordionarily do?

drink their own urine

What would happen if you had a cell in the water and molecules were in the cell and some were out the cell what would most likely happen after a period of time?

what would happen if you had a cell in water and molecules were in the cell and some were out of the cell what would most likely happen after a period of time?

When ever you drink a lot of water you urinate very often?

This is because your body only needs a certain amount of water. If you provide too much water, it will get rid of the excess through the urine, causing you to urinate more often. This is not necessarily a bad thing, unless you are drinking so much water that your urine is a very pale yellow and/or you can't sleep for 6 hours straight without waking up needing to urinate.

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Would happen if you drink alcohol with urine?

there would be more of it and your urine would be more translucent.

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What would adding water to a urine sample given to police for suspected drink driving?

what effect would adding water to a urine sample have on it for suspected drink driving

What would happen if you drink urine?

Drinking Urine is a hazardous process for it reintroduces the metabolic wastes which have just been excreted out.

What would happen if animals drink pond water?

How come animals drink pond water and they don't get sick

How is it possible that you can be drinking the water that dinosaurs drink?

Water that dinosaurs drank would have eventually been expelled via urine. Once it was, it would evaporate and rejoin the water cycle. Eventually, we might drink it.

What would happen to your body if you don't drink water?

If you don't get enough you get dehydrated. If you drink no water for 2 days you will die.

What would happen if the water could not condense the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth

What would happen if you do not drink clean water?

It may make you ill.

What would happen if the fresh water in the rivers got polluted?

We would not be able to drink the water or eat the fish.

What would happen if you do not drink water?

We will be weak Because every day we lose 1.5 liter of water daily. if we don't drink water we will lose much water

What could happen if water could not condense in the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth