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This is a fairly common problem with women. It is usually because the PH level of your body is out and you may have a high acid content in your system. Once your ovulation is over you should get rid of this. "Sits baths" (nothing in the water and be sure the water is body temperature) is a wonderful way to get rid of this irritation. If you find it is extremely bothersome, please see your physician and they can give you some cream for this. Marcy See the notice board 'What causes Vaginal Sores' too.

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16y ago

Most likely a yeast infection.Lots of women get yeast infections during pregnancy.Ask a doctor before self medicating.You are pregnant, so get this checked out. Most likely a yeast infection.Lots of women get yeast infections during pregnancy.Ask a doctor before self medicating.You are pregnant so get this checked out.

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12y ago

Shaving or certain clothes

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Q: Why would you get vaginal sores during ovulation?
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Is it normal for a woman to have discharges during and after ovulation?

some vaginal discharges are normal, but sometimes it means that you have a yeast infection or a bacterial infection. i would recommend going to the doctor if you are really concerned or confused

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I would go to the doctor instead of asking people online. If there are sores then it could be anything from herpes to syphilis.

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Ovulation occurs during the ovulation phase, typically this is 14 days into the menstrual cycle. Multiple eggs may be released during a 24 hour period but at most there'll only be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours.

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Yes, sometimes

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Yes. It takes about 3 days to actually get pregnant so it doesn't stop just like that.

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May be that the best question to ask is, " why would a woman's vaginal muscles contract during intercourse ? the answer to this is what is medically called vaginismus. This is reflex contraction of the vaginal muscles during intercourse due to serveral reasons ranging from anxiety to past history of abuse. the treatment for this is desensitization and graded dilatation.

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Pregnancy can only be caused if sperm is able to get into uterus by any means and is able to fuse into the egg

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The ovary would not release the egg, i.e. ovulation would not happen. the egg would not be released into the fallopian tube

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No, you wouldn't fall pregnant during your period as there is no egg present during menstruation. However it is possible for you to be fertile during menstruation, this would mean that sperm from sex during menstruation may live long enough to fertilise the egg released during ovulation.

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It would be unlikely for it to have a great deal of influence.

Can women feel ovulation?

During pregnancy a woman should not be able to ovulate. So I think she won't be able to feel ovulation pains as well. Should she be in pain during pregnancy similar to ovulation pains I would advice her to see a doctor.