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I am currently 21 week pregnant and i am suffering from high blood pressure, this could be down to my kidneys or all the extra hormones going around my body. The doc at QE hospital today told me that, the hormone that makes your blood pressure high could lead to a weakening in the placenta. Now remember she said COULD! not that it will. If you have any worries or concerns try not to stress out like i do lol and just talk to ur GP or hospital. x

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Q: What causes weak placenta in women?
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Smoking or overdue pregnancy.

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Causes of premature birth, multiple gestation, infection,sex, fall,incompetent cervix, placenta previa, abruptio placenta and eclampsia.

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The umbilical cord connects to the Placenta once it is in form to attach

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the rigorous movements causes placental abruption which means the placenta, which transfers nutrients and oxygen, detaches from the uterus and the baby dies.

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the placenta, it gets expelled out after the baby is born.

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Placenta is a circular organ connected to the uterus in the women which helps to nourish the feutus through umbical cord.

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With my resources there seems to be no issues with a pregnant woman having spinal surgery. Only in rare cases this type of surgery causes the placenta leak.

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