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Water vapour.

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Q: What causes white trail behind jet?
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What is the white trail behind a jet plane made from?


What is the white trail behind a jet plane composed of?

The jet contrails are exaust from the jet engines, which is mostly carbon dioxide and water vapour.

The white trail behind jets in the sky poison?

jet plains have a white trail behind because of the moisture for some time. in higher layer of atmosphere where there is hot air to disturb it. this trail is suspeded for a long time

What is an Airplanes white trail?

The white trail you see behind an airplane in the sky is called a contrail. It's an artificial cloud made by the exhaust of jet aircraft or from the wingtips.

What is the long trail of ice crystals in the sky behind a jet aircraft called?

Vapour Trail

What is a vapour trail behind a jet plane made from?

Ice crystals of frozen exhaust particles.

What is a sentence using the word trail?

(noun) The hikers followed the trail through the forest. The criminal knew that the police were on his trail. The jet left a white trail in the sky as it flew overhead. (verb) The man's wife hired a detective to trail her unfaithful husband. Scavenger fish will often trail behind a shark to feed on leftover bits of food.

How long does a jet white trail last?

Commonly known as a contrail (condensation trail), the white vaporous trail that is visible coming out of jet aircraft is a result of three concurrent events: 1. Hot jet exhaust cooling as it exits the jet engine. 2. Atmospheric moisture (humidity. 3. Particulate matter as residue from the burning of the jet fuel. As the jet exhaust cools, water molecules condense on the minute particles of carbon in the exhaust forming water droplets and visible vapor, which appears as the white trail behind the jet. The length of the trail generally is determined by the relative amount of atmospheric moisture (humidity) present in the plane's path. The more humidity, the longer the contrail, and conversely, the less humidity, the shorter the contrail. As time passes, the contrail disperses. Wind speed at that altitude can affect how long the contrail is visible. More wind will disperse the contrail more quickly.

What is a sentence using the word jet stream?

The weatherman said that the latest jet stream would bring more cold air to the region on Friday. The jet flew over Wichita, leaving a trail of jet stream behind it.

What is a thin trail of smoke called?

The stream behind a jet is called a contrail. It is actually water vapor that condenses in the cold.

What is the white line left behind a plane called?

The white line left behind a plane is called a contrail, short for "condensation trail." It is formed when hot, moist engine exhaust mixes with cold air at high altitudes, causing the water vapor to condense and freeze into ice crystals.

Do jet streams count as clouds?

well realy no, because its not realy a cloud, it is the smoke coming out of the jet, not a cloud actually a jet stream is a wind current in the upper atmosphere that commercial aircraft use to travle faster. The clooud-like trail behind jets are called contrails and would be considered clouds because it is when the heat causes moisture to gather into small clouds... like how warm breath can fog a mirror.