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lack of use.

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Q: What causes your muscle in your arm too shrink?
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You are using the muscles too much. Rest them for awhile.

What is it that causes cramps?

There are a number of causes of cramps. Some causes can be being dehydrated, taking shallow breaths, over stretching of a muscle or exercising for too long.

Why do prolasped rectum happened?

Weakening of sphincter ani muscle and often the pubo rectalis muscle too. With this increased intraabdominal force causes prolapse of rectum.

What Causes knots on your legs and arms?

knots under the right arm some are painful small knots spread out

Why did the flight Concorde shrink?

because it was too fast

Can a shrink see another shrink?

Of course! Psychologists have problems too, and if their pride allows it, they can get the opinion of another psychologist.

What causes eyes to pull to one side?

If the muscle is too tight. Or if you have a squint. Usually this is picked up at the early checks for babies and toddlers.

Why did my nurse give me my H1N1 vaccine in the buttocks instead of my arm?

The typical site is in the muscle in the upper arm for adults, but really any larger muscle works, and the gluteus maximus muscle in the buttocks is as good or better than the upper arm.If you get tenderness at the site of the injection, it may be uncomfortable sitting on certain surfaces or in some positions, but the arm has disadvantages as the site too, like when you have soreness and need to move and use your arms, or if something or someone bumps into your arm in a crowded place. They often use the arm since it can be done in a less private setting. But if you were in the doctor's office that is not an issue so that might be why they chose the buttocks. Walking will be good to help work out the soreness if you do get some.For young children the typical place is their lateral thigh muscle, older children will get them in the arm, buttocks or thigh as well.

Why can the contraction of the muscle tissue cause your arm to bend but the contraction of a single muscle cell would have no effect?

It doesn't have "no effect" ... it's just too feeble to be noticed.

What are some of the causes of muscle spasms?

Some causes can be: Exercising too much, injury, pregnancy (if you are a girl). Exposure to cold temperatures, especially to cold water, or another problems such as blood flow problems.

What is a torn bicep muscle?

A torn bicep muscle can usually occur when your bicep muscle is fully extended and under too much pressure. Weight lifters often get a torn bicep muscle when doing the preacher curl. The preacher curl can really strain the bicep muscle, and lead to a torn bicep muscle if you are lifting to much weight or have not warmed up correctly. Your bicep is a muscle on your arm. it is the muscle that you usually flex when trying to show off your srength. Most torn bicep muscle injuries occur when the arm is fully extended and the lifter is just about to pull the weight back up. When you get a torn bicep muscle you will feel an immediate sharp pain in your bicep near your elbow, followed by bicep muscle weakness and stiffness and eventaully bruising.

How cold does it have to be for a glacier to shrink?

It doesn't shrink, it melts. But when it is too hot, and no cold comes back. It melts.. just like ice.